Hazelnut Benefits

       The most dominant feature of the nuts is the positive contribution to the heart and the vascular health. At the same time, omega-3 oils protect blood vessels and regulate blood flow. Because of its vein and heart friendliness, the heart attack assists in reducing bad cholesterol and keeps cholesterol levels in balance while achieving the most risky withdrawal. There is plenty of Vitamin E in the nut. 1 cup nuts consumes an average of 86% of daily Vitamin E consumption. Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for the prevention of memory deficits and weakening in later ages. In addition to these, vitamins A and C of hazelnuts protect your eyesight.


Almond Benefits

                                           Badmind has many benefits in terms of health. Cagımızın has an inherent protective feature against the stress and cancer types which are the main diseases. In addition, it serves a wide range of subjects such as constipation, cholesterol, bone health and a wide range of human health. To speed up the absorption of nutrients, you can eat almonds directly on an empty stomach, preferably on an empty stomach. Almonds may also be preferred for the resolution of respiratory disorders, cough, heart disorders, anemia, impotence, and diabetes.

Pistachio Benefits


Pistachio, which protects your heart health, helps to control your weight with its rich nutritional content. Pistachio, age-related macular diseases reduce the risk, the skin foundation is removed from the center, natural aphrodisiac and antioxidant source. In addition, Pistachio combat diabetes, protect blood and vascular health, protect the nervous system, promote eye health, strengthen the immune system and promote skin health.


Kaju Benefits

         Kaju pistachio contains low fat compared to other nuts and it is very beneficial for heart health because of this feature. It does not affect cholesterol and promotes heart health due to its antioxidant properties. The abundant amount of magnesium in kaju fist is important for blood pressure health. Protect the heart by ensuring that high tension is reduced. Copper hair contained in the kajun is important in terms of health. Copper deficiency causes many health problems, especially hair loss. Besides blocking hair loss, kaju helps the hair to become black. Kaju peanut is accepted as a fatty food, but it contains less fat and does not lose weight when compared to other types.


Peanut Benefits

        Peanut heart disease risk to reduce the rate of 22% at the moment. If this rate is thought to be provided by such a small amount of food, it is a very serious figure. Peanut, which is also effective against stomach diseases, helps to reduce complaints such as gastritis and gastritis in particular.


Watermelon Seeds Benefits

      There are some important minerals in the watermelon core at high ratios. A cup of dried watermelon seeds meets more than all of the daily magnesium. Vitamin B in the watermelon nucleus covers important substances such as folic acid, niacin, and thiamine, while at the same time helping to regulate the blood pressure, nervous system and giving the immune system an effective response. At the same time, after the watermelon is infected, it is useful for you to quickly avoid the disease and improve your memory.


Pumpkin Seeds Benefits

      A glass of zucchini kernel meets all of our daily needs for zinc, iron and vitamin E, and a half cup of zucchini for all our daily needs for magnesium. It lowers cholesterol. Correct the vascular stiffness.

Yellow Chickpeas Benefits

       Yellow roasted chickpea can be effective in reducing oxidative stress in the body and preventing chronic disease because of the presence of a full antioxidant such as polyphenols, vegetable foods, beta-carotene and vitamins.


White Chickpeas Benefits

       It contains almost enough oil to be avoided and the oils in it are beneficial to the body. It sucks the secret water as well as the feeling of passion. For these reasons, it helps weight loss for dieters. It takes more acid, relieves the midi. Mommy increases the pitch.


Corn Benefits

          Corn is healthy for Digestive System. It prevents anemiy and makes energy. It makes it easy to lose weight. A glass of corn is about 23% of daily fiber needs. Research has shown that corn reduces high cholesterol levels, decreases risk of colon cancer, and alleviates some of the disturbing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition to the digestive system and effects on the heart, the fiber in the corn can help stabilize blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, corn can help you balance your blood sugar while providing you with a slow burning durable energy.